Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Pastor's Wife: Her Battles!

Please Pray for her to be comforted in Word:

Psalm 119:28,52
My soul melteth for heaviness:strengthen thou me according unto thy Word" (v28)

"When I think of your rules from of old, I take comfort, O Lord." (v52)

The Pastor's Wife would very often hesitate to do the things that she is called by God to do. She has an inward battle that she fights everyday. She is human after all.

Its not easy for her to find someone to talk to. She does not share all of who she is as a person. She does not share all of her dreams. She takes care with whom she shares her funny, happy, sad and profound moments. She shares only her deepest moments with one person she trusts. She faces many challenges in her marriage, with her children and in her ministry and/or secular work.

Yet, she freely gives of her time, gifts, talent and skills to those whom she loves and knows.  She yearns to see others succeed. She is there when others fail and she encourages and lifts their spirit forward.


  1. Who God destined you to be. God will back you up. Enjoy it 💃


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